Sunday 6 November 2011

There's more to life than lettuce...

Thanks for stopping by to take a look at my blog all about food and coeliac a disease. I decided to write this blog to share my experiences, knowledge and recipes with all of you… my food intolerant friends! One of the most difficult things for me living with coeliac disease has been finding safe  yet exciting, delicious and indulgent food. I find this challenge arises in many situations and it is true it does affect your whole life, health wise and socially. Whether it’s popping in somewhere for a coffee and wanting for a biscuit or piece of cake, going out for a meal and hoping for something other than a salad, or going to a wedding and being the only one with fruit salad for dessert with everyone asking ‘why are you the only one eating that?’.

It’s pretty hard work switching to a gluten free diet, along with a general lack of understanding from the public and caterers, but to me it’s more than that. It’s about being able to make a choice, 'do I want to eat that or don’t I?' not, it’s a cardboard like biscuit or nothing. As I'm sure you will know, unfortunately, more often than not this is the case. Ok, so enough of the negative side, despite the difficulties of a restrictive diet there are lots of positives to mention. It makes you think about the food you eat, reading lots of labels makes you conscious of the additives and chemicals in foods, it forces you to look for possibly healthier alternatives. And while no one likes to be made to do anything, that particular cloud may have a silver lining. It also has the potential to spur you on to make your own food, encompassing all of the above and being confident that what you are eating won’t make you ill and over time you’ll possibly be a better cook.
I am a great believer in DIY when it comes to making superb tasting gluten free meals and until there is a greater capacity to safely cater for us when eating out it's time to bring the enjoyment back to cooking at home. You are certain of no cross contamination and there’s also no fear of an interrogated anxious waiter or waitress hovering around you as you tuck in to your tasty gluten free feast. Over the next few weeks I intend on developing some new and exciting gluten free recipes and I will share with you my journey along the way. I’ll keep you posted with pictures and updates and I look forward to any comments or feedback you might have for me. In the meantime there are some great gluten free cookbooks out there so why not get involved in a spot of gluten free culinary creativity and see what you come up with. Enjoy!
The Gluten Free Gastronomer

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